
1. I believe in this quote because in my opinion its true that the aim of education is not only making students score As in their final exams but also to score As on the actions and decisions they will take in their lives. Teachers should provide their students with morals that they will need to be socially acceptable beings.

2. Good teachers are the ones who put aside their personal desires and work on enlightening their students to stand against hate speech, racism, domestic abuse and many other negative aspects of today's world. The picture says it all.

3. This quote shows us that students will not learn if teachers will just lecture, lecture and lecture. If teachers want students to learn they have to involve them in their learning experience. Teachers have to use different strategies and methods such as cooperative learning, hands on activities, role playing and much more.

4. People must know that the future of the world relays on the hands of teachers, because they are the ones educating the coming generations. Therefore as 21st century teachers we must educate our students to become responsible leaders, always trying to change the world to a better place.

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