
Those are some of the articles that I read and reflected on during my education course.  

1. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants  

According to Prensky (2001) educators must be creative and not say “ this approach is great for fact, but it wouldn’t work for ‘my subject’”, this is similar to like saying “ I want my students to get bored of the subject I’m teaching”. In addition to this the author claims that teachers should divide the content into “Legacy” content and “Future” content. As the author says both are important to be taught to the students. And the most important question here is that “How many digital immigrants are prepared and convinced to teach both the “Legacy” content from different era and the “Future” content?” A thought provoking quote in the article is “Different kinds of experiences lead to different brain structures” says Dr. Bruce D. Perry of Baylor College of Medicine (page 1).

2. The Joy of Blogging  
Davis and McGrail (2009) state that through blogging students understood that grammar, punctuation, word choice, style and syntax were not just a “teaching thing” but rather the means of effective communication. Moreover, the authors claim that the issues of safe, responsible use of the Internet need to be addressed directly and systematically in the classroom, and as early as elementary school. A thought provoking quote is "All students were on a path to explore, experiment, and test their own understandings”. (p. 76-77).

3. Digital Tools to Broaden Learning
Fisher and Frey (2017) in their article talk about the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) which aims at giving students multiple means of engagement, action and expression, and representation to meet the needs of each student in the classroom. This is an important issue that all the schools must follow to help the students with different learning styles. The authors also argue that 21st century apps help students with disabilities to be able to continue in the educational system in their own way instead of dropping out of school. Thus, I can say that using technology in classrooms decreases the drop out rates. The thought provoking quote in the article is “Digital tools are shifting the education landscape at an owe-inspiring pace.” (p.81).

4. Clicking Across Cultures  
According to Cutshall (2009) 21st century students should know multiple world languages, and they also need global awareness, so that students will be able to learn and work collaboratively with individuals representing diverse cultures, religions, and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue in personal, professional, and community contexts, and the best tool for all the mentioned above to happen is the Web 2.0 tools, because it makes authentic international connections both necessary and possible for any student in an Internet-connected classroom. A though provoking quote in the article is “The real connection is when students see with their own eyes, interact with their own peers. It’s a great learning experience”.  (page 44).

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