Multimedia Project

In the fall semester 2017-2018 I worked on a multimedia kit project along with my classmates as a required project in one of my teaching diploma courses. In this project we developed a single instructional unit for grade 5 students, using various technologies. The unit we chose was "Unique animals around the world" where we talked about unique animals' physical appearance, characteristics, usefulness and extinction rate. We chose 4 continents and from each continent we chose 3 animals.
AsiaProboscis monkey, malayan tapir, gharial.
Africa:Okapi, bush viper, greater kudu.  
EuropeSaiga, camargue horse, puffin. 
AntarcticaSleeping weddell seal, adelie penguin, hoff crab.
To introduce this unit to our "students" we used several technologies:
1. We prepared an assure lesson plan
2. Created a newsletter 
3. Power-Point presentation
4. Web quest
5. Interactive bulletin board 
6. Game
7. Visual 
I will discuss in detail some of the projects mentioned above. 
The visual was used by the teacher to start the unit, along with the visual we chose an attractive quote to motivate students to start the discussion, the teacher led the class in a discussion about the presented visual. 

Interactive Bulletin Board: 
Since the majority of the "students" in our classroom are visual learners the teacher used the  interactive bulletin board to introduce and summarize the unit to her students. Every time the teacher  presented a new animal, she opened that particular animal’s window on the bulletin board, this helped the students understand the topic. 
Web quest:
The web quest was used by the teacher to explain to the students the main assignment that they had for this unit. The assignment was that the students had to create a blog using The aim of creating a blog was to make students imagine themselves  animal right activist in this environmental crisis and they had to raise awareness, find solutions to decrease the extinction rate of animals (this will increase their problem solving skills) and through the authentic audience the students got introduced to other animals from all around the world. The teacher also used the web quest to show the students the rubrics according to which she graded and assessed their creativeness, understanding of the topic, organization and language used while responding to the audience.
The teacher will use the game as a revision for the unit by asking her students true or false, or multiple choice questions. 

The aim of choosing this unit is to make children understand that these animals play  important roles  in our environment so as human beings it is our responsibility to protect them from extinction, saving animals from extinction is part of humanityFinally, knowing about animals will make our students better humans and protecting the animals will create a better environment.    

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